donderdag 27 november 2008

The inside light

A collaborative project between Cinco Design and photographer Chris Hornbecker, "The Inside Light" is a project about stuff we love: Portland, identity and photography. We got together a bunch of Portland's freshest artist, they choose a word that represented part of their identity then we made giant light boxes to flash and reflect that word onto them. The results: and thanks for looking

3 opmerkingen:

Anoniem zei

je link werkt niet..
moja grote letters, tis keiard PS nji :p

Simon Plesters zei

De linkwerkt wel ze Hannes, maar hij zal teveel traffic hebben voor 't moment. Z'n server is down. En er komt geen ps aan te pas! Anders had k niet gepost. Check

CARO// zei

thank u very much :)